A photography awards platform, changing the way people give and receive feedback on photos.


Shoot The Frame





My role

Product Owner
Lead UX Designer
Lead UI Designer


Redesign and rebuild.

Design challenge

How might we create more value for our user base while keeping the STF Awards at the center of everything we do?


I created Shoot the Frame in 2012, it has grown into a recognized photography awards platform. This year, I took the time to rethink and rebuild the platform from the ground up, based on feedback from the community.


Below is a little insight into the process for this project.

I designed every aspect of this updated platform, it is currently being built.

Listen to the people

Through interviews and conversations, I was able to understand what aspects of STF were loved by the community, and what could be improved.

Look at the data

Data data data. When possible, my designs were led by data, I was able to pull insights from GA and other conversion tools.

Look at the competition

Prior to jumping into designing this new platform, I took the time to see who was playing in similar spaces, and doing it best.

Ideation and sketching

The fun stuff. I sketched out the flows and initial concepts for the platform.

Information architecture

This is not a particularly large site in terms of content, with the exception of photos, but the content that does exists needs to be super findable.

Wireframes and prototypes

I created prototypes for the platform, starting with general flows, then moving towards micro interactions after user testing.

User testing

I reached out to participants through online user testing platforms to understand the usability and desirability of the updated platform.


The designs for this build were 90% complete and tested prior building a team, so waterfall seemed like a good idea.


Stay tuned… we are looking to launch the updated platform towards the start of 2019.

Section 1.

STF Awards

I created STF Awards in 2012, they are a suite of monthly photo contests which have the same three categories every month; portrait, landscape and wildlife. Users can submit their photos and win prizes from partners and sponsors.

Section 2.

Photo critiques

STF members can critique each other’s work using 10 predetermined criteria. The critiquing engine calculates an score for each photo based on all of the critiques, and each photographer is given a score based on each of their photos scores.

Section 3.

Photo essays and collections

For members to who need to tell a story with more that one photo, we have introduced Photo Essays. Members can also ‘collect’ photos from the platform to created inspiration.

Section 4.


Members can direct message each other if they are ‘following’ the member.

Section 5.


Members have access to insights about their profile and photos. We also give some tips and hints about how to increase their exposure both within STF, and outside of platform.

A few more screens…

All of the screens below were designed by myself, the platform is currently being built.